Novedades | 05 de mayo de 2013

Flamenco flash mobs in Andalucia

ANTI-capitalist flash mobs have been putting on impromptu flamenco dispays in banks across Andalucia.

Wearing polka dot dresses and clicking castanets, the group known as Flo6x8, have descended on numerous banks around Andalucia.

Primarily targetting Bankia and Banco Santander the apparently spontaneous dance and song performances are designed to express anger and frustration at the economic crisis.

While some involve just one or two silent bailaores, others are made up of several dozen dancers clicking their fingers and stomping their feet to the music.

Although today flamenco is generally associated with love and passion rather than politics, the roots of this art form are embedded in social protest.

Indeed, the lyrics sung in the late 18th century were often about poverty, suffering and the struggles of everyday life.

Although the flash mobs are peaceful, the Spanish government has recently tightened the law to make it harder to stage such protests.

However, the mobs have responded by going global, with performances taking place not only in Spain but across Europe, including Milan, Rome and the UK.

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Fuente: The Olive Press